Tuesday, 23 October 2012




Group discussion is a process where exchange of idea & opinion. A GD comprises of a small group of candidates. the topic can be general or specific topic. example- corruption, FDI in retail, live in relationship should be encouraged, facebooking ...a time pass activity..as like that.

 Remember to take during discussion. it is not necessary you conclude by a  +ve  or -ve  point of view, but you to summarize the hole discussion well and give a solution of the point over other's. In GD each individuals member give their own views about this topics.  candidates gives the time limit during the discussion topics.

Tips on Group Discussion.

1. Subject matter is essential:

You should have subject knowledge and be well aware of latest happenings around the world. To put your good point you should have depth knowledge about that topic.

2. Make sure your knowledge is widely:

You should read a over a period of time, helps in your understanding in particular subject is well. Reading not add knowledge to your database, but improve your quality of your vocabulary skill is well.

3. Select the latest update with the help's of "MAGAZINES" or CSR (competition success review):

Always read magazines like as CSR or other competition magazines, whose give's a rich/latest content to enhance your knowledge database. whose gives you full detail about all topic's. or always read current affairs to awareness about that, what happening in the world present time .

4. Be aware the repeated topic's in GD:

Majority time's GD topic's are repeated, so be aware that topic;s in advance. for example- corruption, terrorism, lokpal bill, unemployment, child labour, gender discrimination, reservation in educational institutions in GD topic's. you could make prepare these topic's in some specific point's or with date and fact's.

5. Communication skill:

Before sitting in GD, you should well in your communication skill. you should have a good vocabulary and decent command in english or your pronunciation is well or correct. you will be better speaker for your GD time.

6. During GD period listen the topic's carefully:

During GD period listen the topics carefully and understand it.
1. First thing you should hearing the topic's and make note's on the sheet during that time.
2. Make a rough sketch of point that you would like to speak in put your point in that group.
3. You will be advance in discussion, but be aware what you speak, if you want to select.
4. Don't be deflect on the main topic's  or avoided these statement like as- i agree/disagree..etc.

7. Maintain & balance your tone:

In GD time juries are judgement your leadership quality with your body language and as well as. if you don't agree of other participant point of view, don't increase your tone to objection of that point. listen his point of view and put an alternative dismissing point  in front of them.

8. Gastures:

During the time on GD , juries are observe you , to sit & your  reaction during discussion period. Body gasture is very important, because body language say a lot of about you. In GD sit stright , avoid leaning back, knocking the table with your pan, finger's movement, or don't get distracted.

9. Be first and also last the speak:

As mention earlier to start GD in advance point's and closing it to also brownie point's. If you take the opportunity to close the GD , then you summarize it.


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